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Hi, I am Khyla Raman. I created the company A.M.A.S.E​ as a play on the word AMAZE. Its an acronym for becoming AWARE of our true nature, to MASTER our mind and body, then APPLY what we have learned to alleviate our daily life, to aid SOCIETY, and then finally ELEVATE those around us with our purpose and light. 


I invite you to experience the transformative power of the Spinal Flow technique and Personality Profiling in order to align the mind and body. I hope to walk with you on your journey of discovering your innate wisdom and intelligence.

My Story

Hi, my name is Khyla Raman. I am a dedicated lifelong learner of the mind and body. I am a Spinal Flow Practitioner, a Certified Identi3 Profiling Coach, a trainer, a business owner, a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. 


My journey into self-development started when I was 17. Having been born and bred in Singapore I was very mind based and learned many techniques to employ the mind and use strategies to achieve my goals. I worked in Singapore’s biggest adult training institute as a Program Manager. I did all sorts of courses and personal development programs to become more successful. I got myself certified as an adult trainer and as an Identi3 Profiling Coach to teach others how to overcome their self-sabotaging behaviours and achieve their goals. 


However, I was still not at peace and felt like I was still searching for something though, I did not know what it was. It was only after my father died and a month later, my daughter was born that I realized there was more to life. Looking into my little girl’s eyes I knew I had to move into my heart.


I discovered new ways to open my heart and be connected to my body and the Spinal Flow Technique was a modality that changed my life. It was then I realized how important the marriage between the mind and body is. 


I began to understand that the mind and body have to work synchronically to enable a coherent signature to be broadcasted outwardly as well as inwardly in order to attain a life that is in alignment with one’s true purpose. Anything less than that causes dis-ease, disease, mental illness, suffering, and frustrations in our daily lives. 


Having strategies to overcome one’s trapped and conflicted behaviours and being in a position of strength is vital to achieving success. At the same time understanding one’s true nature, knowing the wisdom of the body, being in a state of wellness, and in alignment with our choices, brings about calm, wellness, and peace. It allows for love to flow from our hearts into our daily choices in order to alleviate suffering and lead an enlightened life. A famous man once said ‘In life Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.’ 


We can all choose to move through life with ease and flow with a greater understanding of the mind and feeling of the body. I encourage you to experience the transformative power of personality profiling and the spinal flow technique and hope for an opportunity to create health and happiness with you. 

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